
MOSViz is packaged and distributed through both Anaconda via the GlueViz channel, as well as through the Python Package Index (PyPI). It is also available from source.

Install via Conda

In order to use the Anaconda package, you must first install an Anaconda distribution. If you do not have Anaconda, please follow the instructions here to install it.

Once you have Anaconda installed, all you have to do to install MOSViz is simply type the following at any Bash terminal prompt:

$ conda create -n <environment_name> -c glueviz mosviz

Next activate your MOSViz conda environment:

$ conda activate <environment_name>

To launch MOSViz now you enter:

$ mosviz

Install via PyPI

To install MOSViz using PyPI type the following at any terminal prompt:

$ pip install mosviz

You will also need to install the PyQt package as well by typing the following:

$ pip install pyqt5

Install via source


Using the Conda install is the preferred method for installing MOSViz to ensure that all dependencies are met. If you install via source/pip be aware that some dependencies will need to be installed manually!

MosViz can also be installed manually using the source code and requires the following dependencies to be installed on your system. Most of these will be handled automatically by the setup functions.

  • Python 3
  • Astropy
  • Numpy
  • Scipy
  • Matplotlib
  • Specutils
  • Glue

At your terminal, you may either clone the repository directly and then install:

$ git clone
$ cd mosviz
$ python install

Or, have the pip package manager do everything for you:

$ pip install git+

Either way, the MosView Viewer should show up in the list of available Glue viewers.

SpecViz functionality

MOSViz comes with the ability to open 1D spectra inside a SpecViz instance within Glue. However, this functionality will only be enabled if you also have SpecViz installed on your system.

If you are interested in this functionality, please follow the SpecViz installation instructions.