Source code for mosviz.viewers.mos_viewer

import os
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from qtpy import compat
from qtpy.QtCore import Signal
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QWidget, QLineEdit, QMessageBox, QPlainTextEdit, QPushButton
from qtpy.uic import loadUi

from glue.core import message as msg
from glue.core import Subset
from glue.core.exceptions import IncompatibleAttribute
from glue.core.data_exporters import astropy_table
from glue.core.component import CategoricalComponent
from glue.viewers.common.qt.data_viewer import DataViewer
from glue.utils.matplotlib import defer_draw
from glue.utils.decorators import avoid_circular
from glue.utils.qt import pick_item, get_qapp

from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.nddata.nduncertainty import StdDevUncertainty
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.wcs.utils import proj_plane_pixel_area

    from specviz.third_party.glue.viewer import SpecvizDataViewer
except ImportError:
    SpecvizDataViewer = None

from ..widgets.toolbars import MOSViewerToolbar
from ..widgets.plots import Line1DWidget, Spectrum2DWidget, DrawableImageWidget
from ..loaders.loader_selection import confirm_loaders_and_column_names
from ..widgets.viewer_options import OptionsWidget
from ..widgets.share_axis import SharedAxisHelper
from .. import UI_DIR
from ..widgets.layer_widget import SimpleLayerWidget
from ..controls.slits.slit_controller import SlitController

from specviz.widgets.workspace import Workspace
from specviz.third_party.glue.utils import glue_data_to_spectrum1d

__all__ = ['MOSVizViewer']

[docs]class MOSVizViewer(DataViewer): LABEL = "MOSViz Viewer" window_closed = Signal() _toolbar_cls = MOSViewerToolbar tools = [] subtools = [] def __init__(self, session, parent=None): super(MOSVizViewer, self).__init__(session, parent=parent) self.slit_controller = SlitController(self) self.load_ui() # Define some data containers self.filepath = None self.savepath = None self.data_idx = None self.comments = False self.textChangedAt = None self.mask = None self.cutout_wcs = None self.catalog = None self.current_row = None self._specviz_instance = None self._loaded_data = {} self._primary_data = None self._layer_view = SimpleLayerWidget(parent=self) self._layer_view.layer_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._selection_changed) self.resize(800, 600)
[docs] def load_ui(self): """ Setup the MOSView viewer interface. """ self.central_widget = QWidget(self) path = os.path.join(UI_DIR, 'mos_widget.ui') loadUi(path, self.central_widget) self.image_widget = DrawableImageWidget(slit_controller=self.slit_controller) self.spectrum2d_widget = Spectrum2DWidget() self._specviz_viewer = Workspace() self._specviz_viewer.add_plot_window() self.spectrum1d_widget = self._specviz_viewer.current_plot_window self.spectrum1d_widget.plot_widget.getPlotItem().layout.setContentsMargins(45, 0, 25, 0) # Set up helper for sharing axes. SharedAxisHelper defaults to no sharing # and we control the sharing later by setting .sharex and .sharey on the # helper self.spectrum2d_image_share = SharedAxisHelper(self.spectrum2d_widget._axes, self.image_widget._axes) # We only need to set the image widget to keep the same aspect ratio # since the two other viewers don't require square pixels, so the axes # should not change shape. self.image_widget._axes.set_adjustable('datalim') self.meta_form_layout = self.central_widget.meta_form_layout self.meta_form_layout.setFieldGrowthPolicy(self.meta_form_layout.ExpandingFieldsGrow) self.central_widget.left_vertical_splitter.insertWidget(0, self.image_widget) self.central_widget.right_vertical_splitter.addWidget(self.spectrum2d_widget) self.central_widget.right_vertical_splitter.addWidget(self.spectrum1d_widget.widget()) # Set the splitter stretch factors self.central_widget.left_vertical_splitter.setStretchFactor(0, 1) self.central_widget.left_vertical_splitter.setStretchFactor(1, 8) self.central_widget.right_vertical_splitter.setStretchFactor(0, 1) self.central_widget.right_vertical_splitter.setStretchFactor(1, 2) self.central_widget.horizontal_splitter.setStretchFactor(0, 1) self.central_widget.horizontal_splitter.setStretchFactor(1, 2) # Keep the left and right splitters in sync otherwise the axes don't line up self.central_widget.left_vertical_splitter.splitterMoved.connect(self._left_splitter_moved) self.central_widget.right_vertical_splitter.splitterMoved.connect(self._right_splitter_moved) # Set the central widget self.setCentralWidget(self.central_widget) # Define the options widget self._options_widget = OptionsWidget()
[docs] def show(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MOSVizViewer, self).show(*args, **kwargs) # Trigger a sync between the splitters self._left_splitter_moved()
@avoid_circular def _right_splitter_moved(self, *args, **kwargs): sizes = self.central_widget.right_vertical_splitter.sizes() if sizes == [0, 0]: sizes = [230, 230] self.central_widget.left_vertical_splitter.setSizes(sizes) @avoid_circular def _left_splitter_moved(self, *args, **kwargs): sizes = self.central_widget.left_vertical_splitter.sizes() if sizes == [0, 0]: sizes = [230, 230] self.central_widget.right_vertical_splitter.setSizes(sizes)
[docs] def setup_connections(self): """ Connects gui elements to event calls. """ # Connect the selection event for the combo box to what's displayed self.toolbar.source_select.currentIndexChanged[int].connect( lambda ind: self.load_selection(self.catalog[ind])) self.toolbar.source_select.currentIndexChanged[int].connect( lambda ind: self._set_navigation(ind)) # Connect the exposure selection event self.toolbar.exposure_select.currentIndexChanged[int].connect( lambda ind: self.load_exposure(ind)) self.toolbar.exposure_select.currentIndexChanged[int].connect( lambda ind: self._set_exposure_navigation(ind)) # Connect the specviz button if SpecvizDataViewer is not None: self.toolbar.open_specviz.triggered.connect( lambda: self._open_in_specviz()) else: self.toolbar.open_specviz.setDisabled(True) # Connect slit previous and next buttons self.toolbar.cycle_next_action.triggered.connect( lambda: self._set_navigation( self.toolbar.source_select.currentIndex() + 1)) self.toolbar.cycle_previous_action.triggered.connect( lambda: self._set_navigation( self.toolbar.source_select.currentIndex() - 1)) # Connect exposure previous and next buttons self.toolbar.exposure_next_action.triggered.connect( lambda: self._set_exposure_navigation( self.toolbar.exposure_select.currentIndex() + 1)) self.toolbar.exposure_previous_action.triggered.connect( lambda: self._set_exposure_navigation( self.toolbar.exposure_select.currentIndex() - 1)) # Connect the toolbar axes setting actions self.toolbar.lock_x_action.triggered.connect( lambda state: self.set_locked_axes(x=state)) self.toolbar.lock_y_action.triggered.connect( lambda state: self.set_locked_axes(y=state))
[docs] def options_widget(self): return self._options_widget
[docs] def initialize_toolbar(self): """ Initialize the custom toolbar for the MOSViz viewer. """ from glue.config import viewer_tool self.toolbar = self._toolbar_cls(self) for tool_id in mode_cls = viewer_tool.members[tool_id] mode = mode_cls(self) self.toolbar.add_tool(mode) self.addToolBar(self.toolbar) self.setup_connections()
[docs] def register_to_hub(self, hub): super(MOSVizViewer, self).register_to_hub(hub) def has_data_or_subset(x): if x.sender is self._primary_data: return True elif isinstance(x.sender, Subset) and is self._primary_data: return True else: return False hub.subscribe(self, msg.SubsetCreateMessage, handler=self._add_subset, filter=has_data_or_subset) hub.subscribe(self, msg.SubsetUpdateMessage, handler=self._update_subset, filter=has_data_or_subset) hub.subscribe(self, msg.SubsetDeleteMessage, handler=self._remove_subset, filter=has_data_or_subset) hub.subscribe(self, msg.DataUpdateMessage, handler=self._update_data, filter=has_data_or_subset)
[docs] def add_data(self, data): """ Processes data message from the central communication hub. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`` Data object. """ # Check whether the data is suitable for the MOSViz viewer - basically # we expect a table of 1D columns with at least three string and four # floating-point columns. if data.ndim != 1: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "MOSViz viewer can only be used " "for data with 1-dimensional components", buttons=QMessageBox.Ok) return False components = [data.get_component(cid) for cid in data.visible_components] categorical = [c for c in components if c.categorical] if len(categorical) < 3: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "MOSViz viewer expected at least " "three string components/columns, representing " "the filenames of the 1D and 2D spectra and " "cutouts", buttons=QMessageBox.Ok) return False # We can relax the following requirement if we make the slit parameters # optional numerical = [c for c in components if c.numeric] if len(numerical) < 4: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "MOSViz viewer expected at least " "four numerical components/columns, representing " "the slit position, length, and position angle", buttons=QMessageBox.Ok) return False # Make sure the loaders and column names are correct result = confirm_loaders_and_column_names(data) if not result: return False self._primary_data = data = data self._unpack_selection(data) return True
[docs] def add_data_for_testing(self, data): """ Processes data message from the central communication hub. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`` Data object. """ # Check whether the data is suitable for the MOSViz viewer - basically # we expect a table of 1D columns with at least three string and four # floating-point columns. if data.ndim != 1: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "MOSViz viewer can only be used " "for data with 1-dimensional components", buttons=QMessageBox.Ok) return False components = [data.get_component(cid) for cid in data.visible_components] categorical = [c for c in components if c.categorical] if len(categorical) < 3: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "MOSViz viewer expected at least " "three string components/columns, representing " "the filenames of the 1D and 2D spectra and " "cutouts", buttons=QMessageBox.Ok) return False # We can relax the following requirement if we make the slit parameters # optional numerical = [c for c in components if c.numeric] if len(numerical) < 4: QMessageBox.critical(self, "Error", "MOSViz viewer expected at least " "four numerical components/columns, representing " "the slit position, length, and position angle", buttons=QMessageBox.Ok) return False # Block of code to bypass the loader_selection gui ######################################################### if 'loaders' not in data.meta: data.meta['loaders'] = {} # Deimos data data.meta['loaders']['spectrum1d'] = "DEIMOS 1D Spectrum" data.meta['loaders']['spectrum2d'] = "DEIMOS 2D Spectrum" data.meta['loaders']['cutout'] = "ACS Cutout Image" if 'special_columns' not in data.meta: data.meta['special_columns'] = {} data.meta['special_columns']['spectrum1d'] = 'spectrum1d' data.meta['special_columns']['spectrum2d'] = 'spectrum2d' data.meta['special_columns']['source_id'] = 'id' data.meta['special_columns']['cutout'] = 'cutout' data.meta['special_columns']['slit_ra'] = 'ra' data.meta['special_columns']['slit_dec'] = 'dec' data.meta['special_columns']['slit_width'] = 'slit_width' data.meta['special_columns']['slit_length'] = 'slit_length' data.meta['loaders_confirmed'] = True ######################################################### self._primary_data = data = data self._unpack_selection(data) return True
[docs] def add_subset(self, subset): """ Processes subset messages from the central communication hub. Parameters ---------- subset : Subset object. """ self._layer_view.refresh() index = self._layer_view.layer_combo.findData(subset) self._layer_view.layer_combo.setCurrentIndex(index) return True
def _update_data(self, message): """ Update data message. Parameters ---------- message : :class:`glue.core.message.Message` Data message object. """ self._layer_view.refresh() def _add_subset(self, message): """ Add subset message. Parameters ---------- message : :class:`glue.core.message.Message` Subset message object. """ self._layer_view.refresh() def _update_subset(self, message): """ Update subset message. Parameters ---------- message : :class:`glue.core.message.Message` Update message object. """ self._layer_view.refresh() self._unpack_selection(message.subset) def _remove_subset(self, message): """ Remove subset message. Parameters ---------- message : :class:`glue.core.message.Message` Subset message object. """ self._layer_view.refresh() self._unpack_selection( def _selection_changed(self): self._unpack_selection(self._layer_view.layer_combo.currentData()) def _unpack_selection(self, data): """ Interprets the :class:`` object by decomposing the data elements, extracting relevant data, and recomposing a package-agnostic dictionary object containing the relevant data. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`` Glue data object to decompose. """ mask = None if isinstance(data, Subset): try: mask = data.to_mask() except IncompatibleAttribute: return if not np.any(mask): return data = self.mask = mask # Clear the table self.catalog = Table() self.catalog.meta = data.meta self.comments = False col_names = data.components for att in col_names: cid =[att] component = data.get_component(cid) if component.categorical: comp_labels = component.labels[mask] if comp_labels.ndim > 1: comp_labels = comp_labels[0] if str(att) in ["comments", "flag"]: self.comments = True elif str(att) in ['spectrum1d', 'spectrum2d', 'cutout']: self.filepath = component._load_log.path p = Path(self.filepath) path = os.path.sep.join([:-1]) self.catalog[str(att)] = [os.path.join(path, x) for x in comp_labels] else: self.catalog[str(att)] = comp_labels else: comp_data =[mask] if comp_data.ndim > 1: comp_data = comp_data[0] self.catalog[str(att)] = comp_data if len(self.catalog) > 0: if not self.comments: self.comments = self._load_comments(data.label) #Returns bool else: self._data_collection_index(data.label) self._get_save_path() # Update gui elements self._update_navigation(select=0) def _update_navigation(self, select=0): """ Updates the :class:`qtpy.QtWidgets.QComboBox` widget with the appropriate source `id`s from the MOS catalog. """ if self.toolbar is None: return self.toolbar.source_select.blockSignals(True) self.toolbar.source_select.clear() if len(self.catalog) > 0 and self.catalog.meta["special_columns"]["source_id"] in self.catalog.colnames: self.toolbar.source_select.addItems(self.catalog[self.catalog.meta["special_columns"]["source_id"]][:]) self.toolbar.source_select.setCurrentIndex(select) self.toolbar.source_select.blockSignals(False) self.toolbar.source_select.currentIndexChanged.emit(select) def _set_navigation(self, index): if len(self.catalog) < index: return if 0 <= index < self.toolbar.source_select.count(): self.toolbar.source_select.setCurrentIndex(index) if index <= 0: self.toolbar.cycle_previous_action.setDisabled(True) else: self.toolbar.cycle_previous_action.setDisabled(False) if index >= self.toolbar.source_select.count() - 1: self.toolbar.cycle_next_action.setDisabled(True) else: self.toolbar.cycle_next_action.setDisabled(False) def _set_exposure_navigation(self, index): # For level 3-only data. if index == None: # for some unknown reason (related to layout # managers perhaps?), the combo box does not # disappear from screen even when forced to # hide. Next best solution is to disable it. self.toolbar.exposure_select.setEnabled(False) self.toolbar.exposure_next_action.setEnabled(False) self.toolbar.exposure_previous_action.setEnabled(False) return if index > self.toolbar.exposure_select.count(): return if 0 <= index < self.toolbar.exposure_select.count(): self.toolbar.exposure_select.setCurrentIndex(index) if index < 1: self.toolbar.exposure_previous_action.setEnabled(False) else: self.toolbar.exposure_previous_action.setEnabled(True) if index >= self.toolbar.exposure_select.count() - 1: self.toolbar.exposure_next_action.setEnabled(False) else: self.toolbar.exposure_next_action.setEnabled(True) def _open_in_specviz(self): if self._specviz_instance is None: # Store a reference to the currently opened data viewer. This means # new "open in specviz" events will be added to the current viewer # as opposed to opening a new viewer. self._specviz_instance = self.session.application.new_data_viewer( SpecvizDataViewer) # Clear the reference to ensure no qt dangling pointers def _clear_instance_reference(): self._specviz_instance = None self._specviz_instance.window_closed.connect( _clear_instance_reference) # Create a new Spectrum1D object from the flux data attribute of # the incoming data spec = glue_data_to_spectrum1d(self._loaded_data['spectrum1d'], 'Flux') # Create a DataItem from the Spectrum1D object, which adds the data # to the internel specviz model data_item = self._specviz_instance.current_workspace.model.add_data( spec, 'Spectrum1D') self._specviz_instance.current_workspace.force_plot(data_item)
[docs] def load_selection(self, row): """ Processes a row in the MOS catalog by first loading the data set, updating the stored data components, and then rendering the data on the visible MOSViz viewer plots. Parameters ---------- row : `astropy.table.Row` A row object representing a row in the MOS catalog. Each key should be a column name. """ self.current_row = row # Get loaders loader_spectrum1d = SPECTRUM1D_LOADERS[self.catalog.meta["loaders"]["spectrum1d"]] loader_spectrum2d = SPECTRUM2D_LOADERS[self.catalog.meta["loaders"]["spectrum2d"]] loader_cutout = CUTOUT_LOADERS[self.catalog.meta["loaders"]["cutout"]] # Get column names colname_spectrum1d = self.catalog.meta["special_columns"]["spectrum1d"] colname_spectrum2d = self.catalog.meta["special_columns"]["spectrum2d"] colname_cutout = self.catalog.meta["special_columns"]["cutout"] spec1d_basename = os.path.basename(row[colname_spectrum1d]) if spec1d_basename == "None": spec1d_data = None else: spec1d_data = loader_spectrum1d(row[colname_spectrum1d]) spec2d_basename = os.path.basename(row[colname_spectrum2d]) if spec2d_basename == "None": spec2d_data = None else: spec2d_data = loader_spectrum2d(row[colname_spectrum2d]) image_basename = os.path.basename(row[colname_cutout]) if image_basename == "None": image_data = None else: image_data = loader_cutout(row[colname_cutout]) self._update_data_components(spec1d_data, key='spectrum1d') self._update_data_components(spec2d_data, key='spectrum2d') self._update_data_components(image_data, key='cutout') self.render_data(row, spec1d_data, spec2d_data, image_data)
[docs] def load_exposure(self, index): ''' Loads the level 2 exposure into the 2D spectrum plot widget. It can also load back the level 3 spectrum. ''' name = self.toolbar.exposure_select.currentText() if 'Level 3' in name: self.spectrum2d_widget.set_image( image = self.spec2d_data.get_component(['Flux']).data, interpolation = 'none', aspect = 'auto', extent = self.extent, origin='lower') else: if name in [component.label for component in self.level2_data.components]: self.spectrum2d_widget.set_image( image = self.level2_data.get_component([name]).data, interpolation = 'none', aspect = 'auto', extent = self.extent, origin='lower')
def _update_data_components(self, data, key): """ Update the data components that act as containers for the displayed data in the MOSViz viewer. This obviates the need to keep creating new data components. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`` Data object to replace within the component. key : str References the particular data set type. """ cur_data = self._loaded_data.get(key, None) if cur_data is not None and data is None: self._loaded_data[key] = None self.session.data_collection.remove(cur_data) elif cur_data is None and data is not None: self._loaded_data[key] = data self.session.data_collection.append(data) elif data is not None: cur_data.update_values_from_data(data) else: return
[docs] def add_slit(self, row=None, width=None, length=None): if row is None: row = self.current_row wcs = self.cutout_wcs if wcs is None: raise Exception("Image viewer has no WCS information") ra = row[self.catalog.meta["special_columns"]["slit_ra"]] dec = row[self.catalog.meta["special_columns"]["slit_dec"]] if width is None: width = row[self.catalog.meta["special_columns"]["slit_width"]] if length is None: length = row[self.catalog.meta["special_columns"]["slit_length"]] self.slit_controller.add_rectangle_sky_slit(wcs, ra, dec, width, length)
[docs] def render_data(self, row, spec1d_data=None, spec2d_data=None, image_data=None, level2_data=None): """ Render the updated data sets in the individual plot widgets within the MOSViz viewer. """ self._check_unsaved_comments() if spec1d_data is not None: # TODO: This should not be needed. Must explore why the core model # is out of sync with the proxy model. self.spectrum1d_widget.plot_widget.clear_plots() # Clear the specviz model of any rendered plot items self._specviz_viewer.model.clear() # Create a new Spectrum1D object from the flux data attribute of # the incoming data spec = glue_data_to_spectrum1d(spec1d_data, 'Flux') # Create a DataItem from the Spectrum1D object, which adds the data # to the internel specviz model data_item = self._specviz_viewer.model.add_data(spec, 'Spectrum1D') # Get the PlotDataItem rendered via the plot's proxy model and # ensure that it is visible in the plot plot_data_item = self.spectrum1d_widget.proxy_model.item_from_id(data_item.identifier) plot_data_item.visible = True plot_data_item.color = "#000000" # Explicitly let the plot widget know that data items have changed self.spectrum1d_widget.plot_widget.on_item_changed(data_item) if image_data is not None: if not self.image_widget.isVisible(): self.image_widget.setVisible(True) wcs = image_data.coords.wcs self.cutout_wcs = wcs array = image_data.get_component(['Flux']).data # Add the slit patch to the plot self.slit_controller.clear_slits() if "slit_width" in self.catalog.meta["special_columns"] and \ "slit_length" in self.catalog.meta["special_columns"] and \ wcs is not None: self.add_slit(row) self.image_widget.draw_slit() else: self.image_widget.reset_limits() self.image_widget.set_image(array, wcs=wcs, interpolation='none', origin='lower') self.image_widget.axes.set_xlabel("Spatial X") self.image_widget.axes.set_ylabel("Spatial Y") if self.slit_controller.has_slits: self.image_widget.set_slit_limits() self.image_widget._redraw() else: self.cutout_wcs = None self.image_widget.setVisible(False) # Plot the 2D spectrum data last because by then we can make sure that # we set up the extent of the image appropriately if the cutout and the # 1D spectrum are present so that the axes can be locked. # We are repurposing the spectrum 2d widget to handle the display of both # the level 3 and level 2 spectra. if spec2d_data is not None or level2_data is not None: # These are probably retrievable from the slit controller. scale = np.sqrt(proj_plane_pixel_area(wcs)) * 3600. slit_length = row[self.catalog.meta["special_columns"]["slit_length"]] dy = slit_length / scale ra = row[self.catalog.meta["special_columns"]["slit_ra"]] * dec = row[self.catalog.meta["special_columns"]["slit_dec"]] * skycoord = SkyCoord(ra, dec, frame='fk5') xp, yp = skycoord.to_pixel(wcs) self._load_spectrum2d_widget(dy, yp, image_data, spec2d_data, level2_data) else: self.spectrum2d_widget.no_data() # Clear the meta information widget # NOTE: this process is inefficient for i in range(self.meta_form_layout.count()): wid = self.meta_form_layout.itemAt(i).widget() label = self.meta_form_layout.labelForField(wid) if label is not None: label.deleteLater() wid.deleteLater() # Repopulate the form layout # NOTE: this process is inefficient for col in row.colnames: if col.lower() not in ["comments", "flag"]: line_edit = QLineEdit(str(row[col]), self.central_widget.meta_form_widget) line_edit.setReadOnly(True) self.meta_form_layout.addRow(col, line_edit) # Set up comment and flag input/display boxes if self.comments: if self.savepath is not None: if self.savepath == -1: line_edit = QLineEdit(os.path.basename("Not Saving to File."), self.central_widget.meta_form_widget) line_edit.setReadOnly(True) self.meta_form_layout.addRow("Save File", line_edit) else: line_edit = QLineEdit(os.path.basename(self.savepath), self.central_widget.meta_form_widget) line_edit.setReadOnly(True) self.meta_form_layout.addRow("Save File", line_edit) self.input_flag = QLineEdit(self.get_flag(), self.central_widget.meta_form_widget) self.input_flag.textChanged.connect(self._text_changed) self.input_flag.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255);") self.meta_form_layout.addRow("Flag", self.input_flag) self.input_comments = QPlainTextEdit(self.get_comment(), self.central_widget.meta_form_widget) self.input_comments.textChanged.connect(self._text_changed) self.input_comments.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255);") self.meta_form_layout.addRow("Comments", self.input_comments) self.input_save = QPushButton('Save', self.central_widget.meta_form_widget) self.input_save.clicked.connect(self.update_comments) self.input_save.setDefault(True) self.input_refresh = QPushButton('Reload', self.central_widget.meta_form_widget) self.input_refresh.clicked.connect(self.refresh_comments) self.meta_form_layout.addRow(self.input_save, self.input_refresh)
def _load_spectrum2d_widget(self, dy, yp, image_data, spec2d_data, level2_data): if not spec2d_data: return xp2d = np.arange(spec2d_data.shape[1]) yp2d = np.repeat(0, spec2d_data.shape[1]) spectrum2d_disp, spectrum2d_offset = spec2d_data.coords.pixel2world(xp2d, yp2d) x_min = spectrum2d_disp.min() x_max = spectrum2d_disp.max() if self.slit_controller.has_slits and \ None not in self.slit_controller.y_bounds: y_min, y_max = self.slit_controller.y_bounds else: y_min = -0.5 y_max = spec2d_data.shape[0] - 0.5 self.extent = [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max] # By default, displays the level 3 spectrum. The level 2 # data is plotted elsewhere, driven by the exposure_select # combo box signals. self.spectrum2d_widget.set_image( image=spec2d_data.get_component(['Flux']).data, interpolation='none', aspect='auto', extent=self.extent, origin='lower') self.spectrum2d_widget.axes.set_xlabel("Wavelength") self.spectrum2d_widget.axes.set_ylabel("Spatial Y") self.spectrum2d_widget._redraw() # If the axis are linked between the 1d and 2d views, setting the data # often ignores the initial bounds and instead uses the bounds of the # 2d data until the 1d view is moved. Force the 2d viewer to honor # the 1d view bounds. self.spectrum1d_widget.plot_widget.getPlotItem().sigXRangeChanged.emit( None, self.spectrum1d_widget.plot_widget.viewRange()[0]) # Populates the level 2 exposures combo box if level2_data: self.toolbar.exposure_select.clear() self.toolbar.exposure_select.addItems(['Level 3']) self.toolbar.exposure_select.addItems([component.label for component in level2_data.visible_components]) self._set_exposure_navigation(0) else: self._set_exposure_navigation(None)
[docs] @defer_draw def set_locked_axes(self, x=None, y=None): # Here we only change the setting if x or y are not None # since if set_locked_axes is called with eg. x=True, then # we shouldn't change the y setting. if x is not None: if x: # Lock the x axis if x is True def on_x_range_changed(xlim): self.spectrum2d_widget.axes.set_xlim(*xlim) self.spectrum2d_widget._redraw() self.spectrum1d_widget.plot_widget.getPlotItem().sigXRangeChanged.connect( lambda a, b: on_x_range_changed(b)) # Call the slot to update the axis linking initially # FIXME: Currently, this does not work for some reason. on_x_range_changed(self.spectrum1d_widget.plot_widget.viewRange()[0]) else: # Unlock the x axis if x is False self.spectrum1d_widget.plot_widget.getPlotItem().sigXRangeChanged.disconnect() if y is not None: self.spectrum2d_image_share.sharey = y self.spectrum2d_widget._redraw() self.image_widget._redraw()
[docs] def layer_view(self): return self._layer_view
def _text_changed(self): if self.textChangedAt is None: i = self.toolbar.source_select.currentIndex() self.textChangedAt = self._index_hash(i) def _check_unsaved_comments(self): if self.textChangedAt is None: return #Nothing to be changed i = self.toolbar.source_select.currentIndex() i = self._index_hash(i) if self.textChangedAt == i: self.textChangedAt = None return #This is a refresh info = "Comments or flags changed but were not saved. Would you like to save them?" reply = QMessageBox.question(self, '', info, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if reply == QMessageBox.Yes: self.update_comments(True) self.textChangedAt = None def _data_collection_index(self, label): idx = -1 for i, l in enumerate(self.session.data_collection): if l.label == label: idx = i break if idx == -1: return -1 self.data_idx = idx return idx def _index_hash(self, i): """Local selection index -> Table index""" if self.mask is not None: size = self.mask.size temp = np.arange(size) return temp[self.mask][i] else: return i def _id_to_index_hash(self, ID, l): """Object Name -> Table index""" for i, name in enumerate(l): if name == ID: return i return None
[docs] def get_slit_dimensions_from_file(self): if self.catalog is None: return None if "slit_width" in self.catalog.meta["special_columns"] and \ "slit_length" in self.catalog.meta["special_columns"]: width = self.current_row[self.catalog.meta["special_columns"]["slit_width"]] length = self.current_row[self.catalog.meta["special_columns"]["slit_length"]] return [length, width] return None
[docs] def get_slit_units_from_file(self): # TODO: Update once units infrastructure is in place return ["arcsec", "arcsec"]
[docs] def get_comment(self): idx = self.data_idx i = self.toolbar.source_select.currentIndex() i = self._index_hash(i) comp = self.session.data_collection[idx].get_component("comments") return comp.labels[i]
[docs] def get_flag(self): idx = self.data_idx i = self.toolbar.source_select.currentIndex() i = self._index_hash(i) comp = self.session.data_collection[idx].get_component("flag") return comp.labels[i]
[docs] def send_NumericalDataChangedMessage(self): idx = self.data_idx data = self.session.data_collection[idx] data.hub.broadcast(msg.NumericalDataChangedMessage(data, "comments"))
[docs] def refresh_comments(self): self.input_flag.setText(self.get_flag()) self.input_comments.setPlainText(self.get_comment()) self.input_flag.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255);") self.textChangedAt = None
def _get_save_path(self): """ Try to get save path from other MOSVizViewer instances """ for v in self.session.application.viewers[0]: if isinstance(v, MOSVizViewer): if v.savepath is not None: if v.data_idx == self.data_idx: self.savepath = v.savepath break def _setup_save_path(self): """ Prompt the user for a file to save comments and flags into. """ fail = True success = False info = "Where would you like to save comments and flags?" option = pick_item([0, 1], [os.path.basename(self.filepath), "New MOSViz Table file"], label=info, title="Comment Setup") if option == 0: self.savepath = self.filepath elif option == 1: dirname = os.path.dirname(self.filepath) path = compat.getsavefilename(caption="New MOSViz Table File", basedir=dirname, filters="*.txt")[0] if path == "": return fail self.savepath = path else: return fail for v in self.session.application.viewers[0]: if isinstance(v, MOSVizViewer): if v.data_idx == self.data_idx: v.savepath = self.savepath self._layer_view.refresh() return success
[docs] def update_comments(self, pastSelection = False): """ Process comment and flag changes and save to file. Parameters ---------- pastSelection : bool True when updating past selections. Used when user forgets to save. """ if self.input_flag.text() == "": self.input_flag.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0);") return i = None try: i = int(self.input_flag.text()) except ValueError: self.input_flag.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0);") info = QMessageBox.information(self, "Status:", "Flag must be an int!") return self.input_flag.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255);") idx = self.data_idx if pastSelection: i = self.textChangedAt self.textChangedAt = None else: i = self.toolbar.source_select.currentIndex() i = self._index_hash(i) data = self.session.data_collection[idx] comp = data.get_component("comments") comp.labels.flags.writeable = True comp.labels[i] = self.input_comments.toPlainText() comp = data.get_component("flag") comp.labels.flags.writeable = True comp.labels[i] = self.input_flag.text() self.send_NumericalDataChangedMessage() self.write_comments() self.textChangedAt = None
def _load_comments(self, label): """ Populate the comments and flag columns. Attempt to load comments from file. Parameters ---------- label : str The label of the data in session.data_collection. """ #Make sure its the right data #(beacuse subset data is masked) idx = self._data_collection_index(label) if idx == -1: return False data = self.session.data_collection[idx] #Fill in default comments: length = data.shape[0] new_comments = np.array(["" for i in range(length)], dtype=object) new_flags = np.array(["0" for i in range(length)], dtype=object) #Fill in any saved comments: meta = data.meta obj_names = data.get_component(self.catalog.meta["special_columns"]["source_id"]).labels if "MOSViz_comments" in meta.keys(): try: comments = meta["MOSViz_comments"] for key in comments.keys(): index = self._id_to_index_hash(key, obj_names) if index is not None: line = comments[key] new_comments[index] = line except Exception as e: print("MOSViz Comment Load Failed: ", e) if "MOSViz_flags" in meta.keys(): try: flags = meta["MOSViz_flags"] for key in flags.keys(): index = self._id_to_index_hash(key, obj_names) if index is not None: line = flags[key] new_flags[index] = line except Exception as e: print("MOSViz Flag Load Failed: ", e) #Send to DC data.add_component(CategoricalComponent(new_flags, "flag"), "flag") data.add_component(CategoricalComponent(new_comments, "comments"), "comments") return True
[docs] def write_comments(self): """ Setup save file. Write comments and flags to file """ if self.savepath is None: fail = self._setup_save_path() if fail: return if self.savepath == -1: return #Do not save to file option idx = self.data_idx data = self.session.data_collection[idx] save_comments = data.get_component("comments").labels save_flag = data.get_component("flag").labels obj_names = data.get_component(self.catalog.meta["special_columns"]["source_id"]).labels fn = self.savepath folder = os.path.dirname(fn) t = astropy_table.data_to_astropy_table(data) #Check if load and save dir paths match temp = os.path.dirname(self.filepath) if not os.path.samefile(folder, temp): t['spectrum1d'].flags.writeable = True t['spectrum2d'].flags.writeable = True t['cutout'].flags.writeable = True for i in range(len(t)): t['spectrum1d'][i] = os.path.abspath(t['spectrum1d'][i]) t['spectrum2d'][i] = os.path.abspath(t['spectrum2d'][i]) t['cutout'][i] = os.path.abspath(t['cutout'][i]) try: t.remove_column("comments") t.remove_column("flag") keys = t.meta.keys() if "MOSViz_comments" in keys: t.meta.pop("MOSViz_comments") if "MOSViz_flags" in keys: t.meta.pop("MOSViz_flags") comments = OrderedDict() flags = OrderedDict() for i, line in enumerate(save_comments): if line != "": line = line.replace("\n", " ") key = str(obj_names[i]) comments[key] = line for i, line in enumerate(save_flag): if line != "0" and line != "": line = comments.replace("\n", " ") key = str(obj_names[i]) flags[key] = line if len(comments) > 0: t.meta["MOSViz_comments"] = comments if len(flags) > 0: t.meta["MOSViz_flags"] = flags t.write(fn, format="ascii.ecsv", overwrite=True) except Exception as e: print("Comment write failed:", e)
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): """ Clean up the extraneous data components created when opening the MOSViz viewer by overriding the parent class's close event. """ super(MOSVizViewer, self).closeEvent(event) for data in self._loaded_data.values(): self.session.data_collection.remove(data)